3 Quotes & Sayings By Orrin Hatch

Senator Orrin Hatch is a member of the United States Senate since 1977 representing Utah. He is the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and was the Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee from 2001 to 2006. He was a key player in the passage of numerous tax cuts and reforms, which strengthened the economy and helped to create millions of jobs across America. He is also a member of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Global Trade Caucus and serves as President Pro Tempore on the Republican side and Majority Leader on the Democratic side of the Senate Read more

Senator Hatch is also an expert on trade negotiations, having been involved in more than seventy-five trade negotiations as either a senator or a member of Congress.

Microsoft is engaging in unlawful predatory practices that go well beyond the scope of fair competition. Orrin Hatch
The Federal government does not have any information about extraterrestrial life to conceal, and there are no secret projects for me to investigate. Orrin Hatch